July 25

The story goes that if the devil owned hell and Texas, he’d sell hell and go home where it’s the hottest in Texas. When the temps hit 107 last week, I was beginning to believe it.

But, the heat doesn’t stop us. We have the joy of continuing on with ministry. This time of year really is one of my favorite. Not because of the heat, but because of ministry opportunities. The week of July 4th has been set aside on my calendar for 28 years now. That’s the week Felicia and I get to go to Ceta Canyon and work with hundreds of elementary children. From time to time, we’ve even had the joy of working alongside our children at this camp. This year was no exception. Timothy joined us with his new wife, Kristin.

We had nearly 300 boys and girls in this camp and saw 75 of them give their hearts to Jesus. If you want to get a little of the flavor of the week, click here. You can also take a look at the BibleQuest medal winners here.

I do have a prayer request for you. Every year that we’ve gone to this camp, we’ve worked with our good friend and member of our board, Rev. Jim Terry. This year, he is in a fight for his life, but was still able to visit one day. He has a very aggressive brain tumor is undergoing chemo and radiation to try to stop it. The doctors aren’t very hopeful, but we believe God is more than able to heal. Please put his name somewhere to remind you to pray for this man of God. Through this camp, he has touched thousands of children for the Kingdom.

Felicia and I just returned from a delightful time of ministry in Shreve, Ohio, just south of Cleveland. I have never worked with a church that was any better prepared than this one. The laity of this congregation were very serious about reaching their community for Christ and invested hundreds of man-hours to make sure Dayspring would succeed. They told me that the crowds were double what they had been experiencing in past revivals. We had a fantastic time and made some wonderful new friends.

To get a look at the BibleQuest medal winners click here.

The work is progressing on the new album. We should have it ready by the end of August or early September. It is turning out wonderfully! Check back for more info on the release.

We will be in Abilene, Texas next with our good friend, Dr. David Ray. He pastors the River of Life Church and has invited us to come and spend a few days working with the children in his community. Pray for open hearts.

We’d love to hear from you. Just click on the guestbook tab to the left and let us know you stopped by.

Jesus is Lord!

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