October 9

Felicia and I are in Cheboygan, Michigan, as I write this update. The last couple of weeks have been so busy. While I was in Hattiesburg, MS, week before last, our new granddaughter, Abigail, made her appearance. She is beautiful, and we are so happy she is here and healthy. Philip has put up a web page of pictures on her birth day.

The revival in Hattiesburg was a wonderful success. Tommy Artmann and I graduated together from Asbury Theological Seminary. He has done a fantastic job at Heritage UMC and the church is healthy and growing under his leadership. He had the congregation ready for revival. The crowd was excited and enthusiastic as we met together each evening. The children were thrilled with BibleQuest. One of the highest compliments I’ve received in a long time came from a 9 year-old girl as I was preparing to go home. She stood at the back of the sanctuary and said, “Pastor Putnam, I really like your preaching. Can you come back to our church again?”

Be sure to check out the picture of the BibleQuest medal winners here.

Felicia has a hard time tearing herself away from the new grandchild. But she boarded the plane with me to head for Michigan. We have had a wonderful week here. We have been blown away by the beauty. The fall colors are in their full glory. Wow! The drive back and forth to the church from our place of lodging has been beautiful. Rev. George Lewis even took us on a tour of the area to see some of the prettier spots. Click here to see some of the highlights of the week.

We had a true visitation of the Holy Spirit in our time here. The altar filled with people and there was no question that He was working in many hearts. Rev. Lewis had worked and prayed hard to prepare for these days and it paid off in eternal dividends. When the BibleQuest children sang in the closing service, the congregation gave them a standing ovation. Here is the picture of the medal winners.

Please be in prayer as we go next week to Lubbock, TX. We will be in revival there with our good friend, Eddie Marcum. We are expecting a powerful work of God at Oakwood UMC.

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