Wesley is...
A United Methodist minister. A full-time evangelist. A musician, dramatist and storyteller. A man whose ministry crosses denominational and state lines. Most of all, he’s a believer who wants to glorify God and build up the Kingdom.
Storytellers have charmed audiences long before the time of Christ. Even He used stories to help people understand the heart of God. Carrying on this tradition, Wes began developing his narrative talent in 1979. Since then, he has thrilled tens of thousands by his special re-enactments of timeless Bible tales.

They say that music soothes the savage beast. It can also heal relationships, mend broken hearts and melt icy souls. When Wesley sings, he glorifies the God who can do all that – and more.
Wesley has a knack of reaching all age groups with his music. That’s because it springs from the Word, which meets the deep yearning of all human hearts. Whether you need to forgive or be forgiven, renew a flagging commitment or draw spiritual strength, God can use the music of Wesley Putnam to impact your heart.
Wes brings the Word alive with his anointed preaching. His messages overflow with warmth and humor, but they’re not candy-coated. His relevant approach connects with the struggles that all people share.
Preaching is the communication of the heart of God to those He loves. The message God has burned into the heart of Wesley Putnam is his passion. He proclaims the Good News with simplicity and clarity.
You will walk away examining your relationship with God and with those around you. You will hear a message of hope.

Kids Ministry
There’s nothing like a bunch of children to bring life to a church! The Master’s storyteller can attract a lot of them with his unique BibleQuest ministry.
BibleQuest encourages servanthood, faithfulness, evangelism and Scripture memorization. With enticements like colorful stickers and Olympic-style medals, even first-graders will memorize plenty of Bible verses and learn to apply the truth of God’s Word.
It is not unusual to see the number of children in the program double in the span of three or four days.