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The power of story…
I’ve seen it over and over again. Someone will walk into the church and sit with arms crossed and a look on their face that says, “I dare you to try and reach me”. They try their best to not hear what is being said in the story, but soon, as those around them respond to the story, they begin to hear despite their greatest efforts. The next thing they know, the smart phone they were using to distract themselves is sitting on the pew beside them and they are thoroughly engrossed in the story.
When the invitation to make a decision for Christ is offered, the laughter from early in the story has turned to quiet tears. The discovery of God’s love, mercy and forgiveness melts hard hearts and changes everything.
I know where the power for the story comes from. I know it is the Holy Spirit who is using this simple tool of the story to draw people He loves to Himself. It is incredibly humbling to see God work through such a weak vessel as I. It is also very clear to me that the power for these stories is coming because there are literally hundreds of people who are surrounding this ministry with prayer. I know some who have told me they pray daily for Wesley Putnam Ministries and have done so for over a quarter of a century! WOW! You know that kind of prayer has to matter. When we see the altar fill up, we know why it’s happening. God is answering the prayers of His people.
I want to urge the friends of our ministry to join in this prayer army. Go to our web page anduse the calendar as a prayer target. Pray for safety in travel. Pray for fruit for the Kingdom. Pray that it will matter that The Master’s storyteller came to town.
A particular prayer need for May is that the UMC is holding the gathering of General Conference in Portland Oregon. There are many critical topics that will be debated and decided on during these days. I have decided to be a part of this event from May 10-20. I will be there to move around the event and do serious prayer battle. I will sit in on some of the legislative sessions and monitor what changes are being voted on for our Book of Discipline. I hope to have time to sit down and do a daily blog reporting on what happens. You can follow those blogs here.
Please, remember that this ministry can only continue as our friends support us with their prayers and finances. We really need your help this month. Would you send a generous gift to help us continue this vital work? It will be an amazing encouragement to us.