The Master’s storyteller at FUMC Bridgeport, TX

First United Methodist Church 608 17th Street, Bridgeport, TX, United States

The Master's storyteller presents a ministry of song, story, and children's outreach in Bridgeport, TX

The Master’s storyteller at FUMC Stratford, TX

First United Methodist Church 520 N. Main St., Stratford, TX, United States

The Master's storyteller will be ministering at FUMC, Stratford, TX in story, song, and children's outreach.

The Master’s storyteller in Owenton, KY

Owen County fair grounds 355 Ellis Rd, Owenton, KY, United States

Wesley will be telling the story of Daniel for this community gathering at the fair grounds […]

The Master’s storyteller in Chelsea, AL

Morningstar UMC 11072 Highway 11, Chelsea, AL, United States

The Master’s storyteller ministering in story, song, and children’s outreach