Latest letter from Wesley Putnam Ministries.

Dear Friend,

At the close of a recent service, I invited people to come forward to the communion rail to pray. It was as though the pews were spring-loaded. Soon the front of the church was full. Among those who came was a 10 or 12-year-old boy. He was quietly weeping as he prayed. As the pastor knelt across from him, the boy told him, “This is my first time in church. I’m so lost.” The pastor looked him in the eye and said, “We can take care of that.” He then led that boy to Christ!

That experience was worth the effort it took to drive for hours to be in a church far from home. Who can tell what this boy’s future will be now that he has encountered Jesus and has begun a new life with Him.

That’s just one story. There are many others who have met Christ, found forgiveness, been set free from addictions, had new beginnings in their marriages, or even been called to follow Christ in ministry. The reports we get back from churches are so encouraging to us.

Felicia and I are just answering the call and going where He leads. We are determined to faithfully declare the message of hope and life in Christ alone. We know God has called us to bring the characters and truths of the Bible to life. Using humor, costuming, and various dialects under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, we call His people to live lives of faith without compromise.

When truth is faithfully proclaimed, it can bring about transformation. Scripture is just as relevant today as it was the day it was written. It is “alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

That message is very counter-cultural today. In a world that has become so politically correct that speaking truth is seen as offensive, we choose to stand tall and clearly declare that truth, regardless of what the world might do. It is a message that is sorely needed.

For more than thirty years, Felicia and I have driven the miles and presented the Gospel, but we are not alone on this journey of faith. Many friends have been an integral part of this ministry with their financial and prayer support. They have enabled us to carry out the work we are called to do, but we need more friends to become involved in our support base. Each month we must raise two-thirds of our support through partner giving. We are praying that God will move in the hearts of those who have experienced our ministry to open their hearts and pocketbooks to support this vital work. We can’t do it without your help.

Here are some ways you can help.

  1. The most important thing you can do is pray for us daily. Go to our web site
    ( where you will find our schedule, and ask for God to use us to make a difference in those communities. Pray for people to come and for hearts to be open to hear from God.
  2. Give a generous gift this month. We are into the summer months, which are not prime months for churches to hold renewal events. Your gift at this time of any amount will be a tremendous help.
  3. Give a gift each month as God leads. These monthly gifts are critical to keep us strong throughout the year. The easiest way is to sign up for electronic giving. Go to our webpage,, click on GIVE in the menu banner, then click on DONATE at the bottom of the page. Fill in your information, including the frequency and date of your first gift. We will debit your account on the date you specify until you tell us to do otherwise.
  4. Ask your church or Sunday School class to help our ministry.
  5. Remember Wesley Putnam Ministries in your will.
  6. Donate property or stock.

I’m asking you to consider making an investment in the souls of men, women, and children who will meet Jesus because you helped us come to their town. It’s not about us, but about the Lord Jesus and the message of His love. We thank God for you and look forward to hearing back from you soon.

The Master’s storyteller,

Wesley Putnam

P.S. Please help us to continue saying “yes” to the invitations we receive.

You can send your checks to:
Wesley Putnam Ministries
1320 Brown Trail
Bedford, TX 76022

You can call:

To donate online: Click the “give” button above.

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