I will sing of the Lord’s unfailing love forever! Young and old will hear of your faithfulness. Your unfailing love will last forever. Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens.
Psalms 89:1-2
That about sums it up, doesn’t it. In the light of all the bad news we’ve had from the media this year, we have a choice. We can dwell on all that bad news, or we can focus on the Good News of God’s unfailing love. With the reality of all the violence and darkness around us, we can choose to cower in a corner or we can be the light we were created to be. I remember years ago when our family went to Carlsbad Caverns. There was a spot on the tour when all the lights were turned off. I’ve never seen darkness so absolute. The tour guide then lit a single match. The contrast was immense. It seemed much brighter than any match I had ever seen. It showed me that it is in times of greatest darkness when the light can’t be missed!
So, with the Psalmist, I make it my task to shine. You see, darkness is only the absence of light. So if we let God’s love shine through us, darkness has to leave.
This summer we’ve had the privilege of shining His light into the lives of young and old in camps and churches. The Lord has used the power of music and story as His match and He has drawn them to Himself. I have posted a few pictures of some of the Summer altar responses.
We are looking at a busy Fall and are excited about what adventures lie ahead. No matter what the Supreme Court decides, Jesus is still Lord. No matter how antagonistic the culture is towards people of faith, His love still wins. The ultimate victory is already decided. He has won.
Enjoy these pics of some of the summer ministry and harvest and pray for our ministry as we go forward. Pray about giving a generous gift to help us keep going.