Felicia and I both have deep roots in Louisiana, so it’s always a sense of “going home” when we cross the state line. I have a particular love for South Louisiana because of my Methodist roots there. My great, great, great grandfather founded the little community of Indian Bayou and the little Methodist church there. Two of my great, great grandfathers were Methodist circuit riders. I saw several of my cousins in Lake Charles during this meeting. On top of seeing a lot of history, we get to eat lots of good cajun food!

I have worked with the pastor, Rev. Weldon Bares, on several occasions. He is a fellow graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary, and is having a powerful influence in this community for Christ.
Felicia and I had a wonderful time worshiping with this lively congregation. They have two worship spaces that are absolutely beautiful. One is for traditional and the other for more contemporary worship. We used the space designed for contemporary worship and it worked great with the drama and music.
The stories were a big hit! Lots of laughter, but lots of response each night as people made life changing decisions for Christ. Always fun to see God work.
The children were enthused as they came each evening and participated in BibleQuest. There were lots of verses memorized and lots of smiling faces each night.
Here are the medal winners along with the children’s director and Rev. Weldon Bares.
Pray with us that God will continue to work in this wonderful congregation to pour out His Spirit on them and through them into their community.