We’ve worked with Rev. Lloyd Stice for many years at Onc-Way Elementary Camp at Ceta Canyon and seen hundreds of kids come to Christ. It was a joy to be with him again in ministry in Clarendon. Clarendon has a history that ties it to the UMC. At one time there were 7 Methodist churches in this town and no bars. It was labeled “the saint’s roost”. So, the church comes by it’s love for Jesus and the desire to reach their community quite honestly.
They did come out to worship and enjoy the stories. One lovely woman came to me and declared, “I’m 92 years old and I don’t get out at night. But, I’m not about to miss this!” Young and old, we all had a grand time.

We started BibleQuest with 10 children, but by the end of the week we had grown by 500%! Over 50 kids were involved in learning Scriptures and enjoying Bible stories. I do love it!

Pray that God will continue the work He began in many hearts during these days. The joy and enthusiasm of these folks can be contagious!