This was a little like going home.
First, I was back in the area Felicia and I lived while I was in Seminary. I had the joy of seeing lots of old friends who came out to the revival services. What a joy it was to see them. One was a gentleman who walked up to me. He was in his 80’s and looked a little familiar. He said, “I’m so glad to see you again. I’ll never forget the day you baptized me.” Sure enough, I remember climbing into a very cold creek in KY and baptizing him. He had come to Christ in one of our revivals at the old Mt. Pisgah church. Then he was in his 40’s. What a joy to know he is still walking with the Lord!
The pastor at the Sherman Baptist Church is a long time friend. He was raised in the church we attended in Bedford, TX, and grew up with my sons. He is a fantastic young man and is doing a great job leading this congregation. It was wonderful to have time with him and his young family.
We had a wonderful reception from the church. They really opened up to the Gospel as it was presented in story form. The children and youth had a great time participating in the services. BibleQuest was lively! The kids had so much fun!
I pray that God will continue to bless this wonderful congregation with His love and give them even greater vision of how to reach out in their community with the Good News.
Here’s a great crowd of youth who came to worship!