I understand that my family originally hails from this part of the US. Just a few miles away is the court house in Abbeville, SC, where I have found documents from the 1700’s about my kin folk. Driving around, I couldn’t help but think I was seeing things that my great, great, great, great grandfather had seen. It is a reminder that I stand on the shoulders of those who’ve gone before.
Main St. is a beautiful church set in the middle of town. It has a long and proud past of standing faithfully for the faith and coming through really hard times with her head held high.

Rev. Phil Thrailkill is one of the most effective pastors I know. No one, and I mean no one, works harder than he does at sermon prep and sheep tending. I am amazed at all he gets done. I’m not sure if or when he sleeps.
Main St. is responding very well to his capable leadership. They were so well prepared for this event! There was excellent participation from the congregation and lots of visitors from the community. The storytelling really connected with them and there was great response.
The boys and girls were so excited each evening and had a fantastic time in BibleQuest.

There are even greater days ahead for this church and community. They took some hits when all the textile mills shut down, but they have not given up! They are dreaming big dreams of outreach and mission. God is at work at Main St. UMC.