About a year ago, I walked up on the porch of the mission house we were staying in in Kumasi, Ghana. There were a couple of guys there I did not recognize, but knew they were from the states. After exchanging a few moments of conversation we got to the question of where we were from. They told me they were from a little town close to W. Lafayette, IN. I asked, “which one”? “Dayton”, they said. Well, that blew me away. Travel half way around the world and run into people from the church my daughter in law, Holly, was raised in. A church we had already visited in ministry twice. A church we were already scheduled to go back to. Small world.
Well we did get back to Dayton. Holly and 5 of my grandkids joined me and caravanned all the way from Bedford, TX to Dayton, IN. I took a couple of the grands at a time and thoroughly enjoyed time with them. It was a two day drive, but we made it safe and sound. I did run into a little trouble on the last leg of the trip. After Holly and the kids headed to her parents home, I turned on to what I thought was a two lane road. Turns out it was 4 lane and two sets of headlights were coming straight towards me. I ended up taking the motorhome into the median of the road. Problem was, it was boggy. I sank a 40′ motorhome up to the axels. I sat in that median until a wrecker could pull me out – about 2:00 a.m. An exciting beginning to the week.
We did have a wonderful time in Dayton. What a great staff! They were a joy to work with. Mike Dominic is doing a wonderful job of leading this congregation. It is one of the largest congregations in Indiana and has a long history of evangelical fervor. They have an amazing outreach and heart for missions and evangelism. The week I was there they were launching a new ministry to bikers in their area and sending out a team to drill wells in Ghana. Busy place!

There were over 70 kids who were involved in the BibleQuest! They were so much fun to work with. The BQ coordinator had done a super job of getting things ready and the kids were already excited about coming before we even showed up. I love seeing boys and girls get excited about learning the Bible!
Here are the medal winners for the week. I will point out that 3 of them are grandkids. They were memorizing verses like crazy! Guess what, we even had a long standing memory record broken this week! It was an amazing time!
I pray that God will continue to use Rev. Dominic and his staff to reach the community around W. Laffayette, IN, with the message of God’s incredible love.