I’ve know John and Susan Miles for many years. He has used me for revivals several times across the years. I was really excited to join him in ministry in one of the flag-ship churches in the Arkansas Annual Conference, FUMC Jonesboro. They are hitting on all cylinders there. The sites and sounds of new construction are all around. There is an incredible vision that is coming to life there in downtown Jonesboro. By Easter, they will have a state of the art space open for their contemporary services. After that is finished, they hope to start work in planning a new space just for children. They are doing awesome work there and God is blessing. John has gathered an amazing staff around him and they are working together for an abundant harvest. Felicia and I were delighted to be a part of the ministry of this awesome congregation.
This is an annual event for FUMC Jonesboro, and they had the hard work of planning and prayer done before Felicia and I arrived.

I pray that the efforts of this great staff will continue to be blessed by God. I can hardly wait to see the new sanctuary and the new lives who will be touched because FUMC Jonesboro, AR, is dreaming big and reaching out for new disciples. It was an incredible week!