The Master’s storyteller in Lovington, NM Nov. 13-16

I rode in on the wind (or against it) to Lovington, NM, back again after 20 years.

This dust devil was thousands of feet high, but only 1/4 mile wide. On both sides blue sky could be seen. It was very surreal. This was between Hobbs and Lovington, NM.

When I was last there, my son, Philip was helping me with ministry to children as a 16 year-old.  Now He is 36 and the father of 5.  Time does fly.

I enjoyed working with Rev. Vergil Ichertz.  He is deeply committed to the faith and has an intense love for the people in his congregation.  I was blessed to be in ministry along side him.

I greatly enjoyed the fellowship with the folks in Lovington.  I don’t know when I have ever eaten better.  There was a member on staff who could be a professional chef.  She rolled out  many great meals with noon luncheons and dinners at night.  Wow!

Worship was a blessing.  There was a hunger for the Word and great appreciation for the stories.

There was a real connection with the congregation as the stories were shared.


Gideon shares the great truth that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.


Rev. Ichertz was very excited about the fruit as he prepares to baptize several new members as a result of our time together.  I love harvest time.


BibleQuest was fun.  The boys and girls loved singing the BQ songs and hearing the stories.


Here is a 3 year old girl who memorized Scripture for BibleQuest. She even won one of the gold medals!



Here are the gold medal winners from Lovington. Thanks to all who helped in working with the boys and girls. It was a great week!


In addition to working with the BQ children, I had nearly 110 boys and girls in the after-school program on Wednesday.  This church has a real desire to see boys and girls in the community come to faith in Christ and they invest a great many hours and dollars into this outreach.

Notice the diversity in races that are a part of the ministry of Lovington UMC as they reach out to the elementary children in their community.

It was a delight to be back in Lovington and find the desire to move into a hopeful future.  Pray with me for the continued move of His Spirit among these wonderful Christian people.

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