There are few places in the USA as beautiful as Northern Alabama. I’m always blown away by the scenery as we drive through the verdant landscape. It is another reminder of the joyful creativeness of our God.
The town of Springville itself, could be a Norman Rockwell painting. Well kept and manicured buildings lining quiet streets, far removed from the hectic pace we’ve grown too accustomed to.
Here is FUMC in Springville, located in the heart of the town. A wonderful facility for worship and fellowship.
We hit the ground running on Sunday. Blue Grass service at 8:00, Contemporary service at 9:00, Sunday School at 10:00 and traditional worship at 11:00. It was one full morning. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Rev. Mike Ratliff. He is a laid back, motorcycle loving, preacher!
One of the things that made this event unique is that the BibleQuest was the VBS for the church this year. We had a great time with the kids and they came out in good numbers with great enthusiasm. Over 75 kids took part in the event and after BibleQuest, most stayed for worship and sat right on the front row!
The church responded very well to the stories each night. Great crowds and LOTS of young families! It was a delight to see the enthusiasm.
The altar call each night reminded me of the verse of Scripture that declared “a little child shall lead them.” The altar filled with children and the pastor told me they were doing serious business as they prayed. Never underestimate the decisions children make at an altar. Their hearts are so open to God and tender to the voice of the Holy Spirit. This is Kingdom business.
We had lots of verses memorized this week and gave away 12 Gold medals to the children. We had a fantastic time in Springville, and will not forget the ways we saw God moving in the lives of His children (old and young) there.
Just meet your brother at the experience conference.He’s very nice.
Once I was able to hear his speech and realised that how gifted he is! He is a really selfless person who glorifies God.