The Mission trip to Ghana and Nigeria is fast approaching.

Felicia and I are excited about the upcoming trip to Ghana and Nigeria. We have our passports and visas in order and will get our shots soon. We are going to be partnering with Christian World Missions.

Lee Ann Williamson will be leading our trip. Here she is with some of the children in Ghana.

Departure will be February 11 and our return is on February 27. During those days, we will be involved with the Methodist Church in Ghana and Nigeria and will aid in planting 10 churches in each country. Felicia and I will be working with children each day sharing BibleQuest with them. We will be using games, songs and stories to communicate the Gospel with them. We will also be helping to train children’s workers with new tools for discipling children.


Here are some of the children we will be ministering to.

In addition to working with the boys and girls during the day, I will also be preaching each evening.  It will be a great time and we are praying for a harvest of new believers.

Please be in prayer for us as we prepare to go.  Pray specifically for open hearts to the Good News of the Gospel.  Pray for safety for the team who will be there.  Pray for adequate funding for the trip.

We are trusting God to use us to change someone’s forever.


If you would like to donate to help us go, you can do that here, or you can send your donation to:

Wesley Putnam Ministries, 1320 Brown Trail, Bedford, TX   76022.

Thank you for your prayers and support.


Wesley and Felicia



1 thought on “The Mission trip to Ghana and Nigeria is fast approaching.”

  1. This is fantastic! We actually know some methodist missionaries in Ghana! The moment my brain wakes up I will remember their names! Haha! Anyway, we are so excited for you and will be praying!

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