Felicia and I are in the process of last minute gathering and packing. We will be boarding a plane this afternoon for Atlanta and then we’re off from there to Ghana, and Nigeria, Africa. We will be helping to plant 20 new churches, 10 in each country. Felicia and I will be tasked with helping to minister to the children. The evangelism in the past has focused on adults while the boys and girls played outside. We are going to use music, storytelling, and games to capture the attention of children. It’s all a new experience, for us and for them.

Here is a prayer calender you can download and pray for us daily.
Pray for health, protection, and fruit for the Kingdom. We’ll return February 28.
Please pray about giving a generous donation to help our ministry during this time.
I’ll be posting on facebook and twitter while we are away, so be sure to check them out.