The Master’s storyteller in Paintsville, KY November 17-20



I’ve driven all over the U.S. and have seen some gorgeous scenery, but this ranks right there at the top.  Eastern KY is absolutely one of the most beautiful areas of the country I’ve ever seen.  I was parked at the Paintsville Lake state park.



Rev. Ken and Becky Spurrier have been friends for years.  We first met at a Congress on Evangelism and have enjoyed keeping up with one another in ministry.  I was with him several years ago in his last church and was delighted when it worked out to get together on this trip.




The worship space was beautiful!  The stained glass windows were just breathtaking!  The seating wrapped around the room, and there was an intimate atmosphere as we worshiped together.



Ken wanted to get kids involved and did he ever pull that off!  They took a bus out each night and brought in scads of children!  They absolutely LOVED BibleQuest.  They were there early for BibleQuest and hung around for the stories and worship afterwards.



They loved singing “Down, Down Deep”.  Such fun to work with enthusiastic kids!



Look at the faces of these kids as they listen to one of the stories!  They hung on every word.




It is so much fun to see the Holy Spirit move in these services.  The humor brings the walls down, and when you get to the point of the story, there is no defense. Zap – right to the heart!  I do love it!



Tender hearts are open to the wooing of the Holy Spirit.  When the altar call was given, they were ready to respond.





Here are our medal winners from BibleQuest.  I pray that the Word of God planted in their hearts this week will result in a harvest of a life-long relationship with God.  That is the ultimate goal of the journey.

Pray that God will continue to bless this community with the presence of His Spirit and the joy that comes in knowing and following Him.



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