October 23

Thanks so much for your continued prayer for Felicia and me as we continue our time in Kentucky. Things are going very well. God is using this time to strengthen me on several levels. Physically, I am growing stronger daily as I continue with the cardiac rehab. Emotionally, I am more rested and at peace. Spiritually, I am more in tune with God. I can see the gracious hand of God and His perfect timing in opening this door for sabbatical.

This past week, I had the privilege of helping to lead worship in chapel for one of the services in the annual “Kingdom Conference”. This is a conference that combines the passion for missions with our social responsibilities in the world. The theme this year reminded us all of our role as stewards of God’s creation. A special treat during the conference was that our son, Timothy, came as a part of his continuing education and brought his lovely fianc?, Kristin, with him. We had a wonderful time visiting with them and we are all looking forward to the “big day” in May. Timothy has a “count down” clock on his web page.

I also was invited to lead worship in the “PSALM Initiative” (Pastoral Seasons As Life and Ministry: An initiative to promote and sustain pastoral excellence). This is a program of the seminary that reaches out to pastors and provides them with a time of rest and spiritual growth. It was exciting to be able to share the new songs God has given me so far in this sabbatical. The pastors were thrilled with what they heard and are anxious to use them during worship in their churches. I have now written six new songs based on some of Charles Wesley’s hymns. I sent them to a publisher this week and the response was enthusiastic. I’ll let you know if they choose to publish them. I hope to be able to write more songs in the next few weeks and record them as a new CD early next year. Be sure to check back on the web page for more information.

Here is the text of one of those new hymns.

Servants of God
By Wesley Putnam Copyright 2005

Servants of God
Proclaim His wonderful name!
Jesus our all-victorious King.
He Rules on High
Yet is as near as our breath.
Telling us we can be reclaimed.

Jesus, Savior, Redeemer and Friend
You are worthy! All praise to the Lamb!

His holy love
Is now the theme of our song.
We’ve been forgiven and redeemed.
We join our voices
With the heavenly hosts
Bowing before Him now we sing.

We lay our lives
Before the ruler of all
We have been purchased by His blood.
All glory and honor all wisdom and might
All praise to the Holy Lamb of God.

Please continue to pray for us as we continue this time of sabbatical. We are really missing our family and friends back in Texas.

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