August 28

Sorry I haven’t put anything up for the last few days. After the good report from the Doctor on Tuesday, Felicia and I packed up Wednesday and went on a road trip. We visited with some wonderful friends in TN. We stayed in a wonderful home out in the woods just out of Goodlettsville, TN. It was a peaceful haven where we sat on the porch and listened to the wind in the trees and the sounds of the crickets and frogs singing their evening concerts. It was a real treat.

We also met some friends from South Carolina who were passing through the Nashville area at the same time we were there. We’ve known these folks since the early 80’s and they are precious to us. What a delight to get to catch up on them and their family.

We got home on Saturday evening and then left Sunday morning to visit one of the churches I pastored while in school here at Asbury Seminary. Mt. Pisgah UMC was having homecoming and celebrated 158 years of ministry on that hill in Grant County, KY. What a delight to experience worship there. We pastored Jonesville and Mt. Pisgah between 1974 and 1978. The memories were flooding back as we shared in worship, and “dinner on the grounds”, followed by “a singin’ ” We loved it.

I am so thrilled to tell you that the creative juices are beginning to flow again. I have written a new song. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve written anything. It’s been like the songs have been dammed up and I couldn’t get them out. I hope to see lots more come out in the next few months. I’ll be posting the lyrics for you to see later. Perhaps there will be a new album when this sabbatical is over.

Thanks for your prayers. I will begin cardiac rehab on Tuesday. I’m really pumped about that.

Remember to pray for the people in Louisiana as they face this hurricane. It sounds like a real monster.



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