Wow! The ozarks are absolutely beautiful! Felicia and I had a wonderful time in this church. We were a piece of history for them. The church will be 50 years old this year and I was the first evangelist they remember having. I joked with them that I come to their church once every 50 years. That means I’ll be 110 next time I go. 😎
We arrived in our “home away from home”. This motorhome makes it possible for us to travel across the nation in ministry. For over 200 days (and nights) each year, we are able to have a space to recharge and rest. This is very important for me because of the struggles I’ve had across the years with sleep disorders. This motorhome has been an answer to prayer that enables me to have the strength I need to keep up the kind of rigorous schedule we maintain. (This year alone we have been in South Caroline, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Kansas, and all over Texas.) It also doubles as a mobil sewing room for Felicia as she works on baby quilts while we travel. We are now expecting our 16th grandchild, so she has plenty to do!
This is Felicia with two of the hardworking committee members from Kimberling City. Jerry Beeler was the general chairperson for the event and did one of the best jobs ever in his role. Wyn Wyttig was in charge of hospitality and made us feel like royalty while we were there.
This is Clif Crockett, pastor in Kimberling City. More importantly, he is our good friend. We’ve worked together several times and he always makes us feel welcome. He and his wife Dee are so committed to Christ and are doing a great job here.
Check out the wonderful crowds. It was like this every evening! People came out to hear the stories and left each night encouraged and enthused about their faith. We loved it!
The congregation really connected with the stories. The sounds of laughter were contagious. It was so delightful.
But, when the time came for response, the altar was filled! God touched so many hearts.
We were also blessed with some powerful testimonies from members of the church who had experienced God’s power in their lives in remarkable ways. One was delivered from addiction to alcohol. another escaped from East Germany as a teenager. It was amazing to hear of God’s faithfulness.
We also had the privilege of speaking in two public schools during the week in neighboring towns. The kids (and teachers) really enjoyed hearing the stories.
BibleQuest was lots of fun. The kids really got into the music and story time. Felicia and I love working with elementary children! They are like sponges, soaking up God’s Word. We had a 5 year-old learn all the books of the Bible this week!
Here are the hard working medal winners from Kimberling City. They really worked hard, and deserve these awards.
With the kids are the pastor, Clif Crockett, and the BibleQuest coordinator, Karen Murray. The little girl on the left is only 5 years old and could sing all the books of the Bible from memory.
Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this event a success. It was a fantastic week of ministry among a group of wonderful people we will not soon forget. Pray with us that God will continue to bless this faithful congregation as they serve Him.
I am shocked there are no comments after attending two nights and seeing the response to the message. I personally was blessed by the experience and I am the one who asked you about Jonah on DVD and you said it was in the plans and to get on the email. I am not a member at the church but was grateful that I was invited to attend. God bless you and your ministry.
Thanks so much for your kind words. What a blessing to be in your community.