The Master’s storyteller in Sweetwater, TX


Sweetwater. TX is known as the town where the rattlesnake roundup is held every year. Well, I can tell you, we didn’t see a single rattle snake while we were in town! We did meet with some wonderful Christian brothers and sisters and had a great time together worshiping our Lord.

I have worked with Rev. Brian Brownlow before.  He is a devoted follower of Christ who is working hard to faithfully proclaim the Gospel and build the Kingdom in Sweetwater.  The church has responded very positively to his leadership and they are making great strides in their community.  We had great participation throughout the week and God used the stories and songs to touch hearts.




People loved hearing the old stories in a new way.  Elijah, the bronx cop, was well received!



The most important thing is that people are drawn to God, not just entertained.  Each night we saw people of all ages praying at the communion rail.


The children had a blast in BibleQuest.  Parents were busy all week listening to the memory verses as the competition for the BibleQuest medals heated up.



We have two pictures for the gold medal winners, we discovered an error in the count after the medal ceremony had ended.  So, here are all the winners from Sweetwater.





This young lady lives in another town and didn’t want to miss BibleQuest.  Her grandparents drove to pick her up at school, worked with her on her Bible memory, and let her spend the night with them.  Each morning at 6:30 they headed back to her town where they dropped her off at her school.  Now that’s dedication!

Felicia and I were blessed to be a part of this vibrant congregation and pray that the future will be filled with even more fruit for the Kingdom as these disciples live out their faith.


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