Lorena, TX, is just south of Waco. It is a sleepy little town with some of the finest people I’ve ever met.
Ron and Lou Albertson have been great friends of ours for many years. I’ve been to about every church he has pastored, and he was even on my staff for a short time. I don’t know anyone who has a more genuine faith or a greater love for the church. The only thing I don’t like is how guilty I feel about my exercise habits when I am around him. He is in great shape because he loves to ride his bicycle. Maybe I’ll get mine out – tomorrow. 😎
Ron is seeing some great results in his ministry in Lorena. The folks there are excited to have his family there. I was very pleased that he invited me to come and join him in ministry.
The church itself is beautiful. The building is preserved as a historical site and is absolutely stunning.
The revival was a great success. The church was so excited about what God was doing, and had the phone lines hot as they invited friends and associates to join them for worship. Young and old came out to here the stories, and they seemed to be genuinely touched. Rev. Albertson was thrilled with what he heard from his members after the meeting ended.

The boys and girls loved BibleQuest. They came each night ready to quote the new verses they had memorized and stayed to worship and hear the stories with the adults.

We have the joy of enjoying some old friends in Lorena, TX, as well as making new ones. We will be praying that God will continue to breathe His life into this wonderful congregation.