Felicia and I had a wonderful time in Owasso. One – because it was really close to our youngest son’s home in Tulsa and we got to play with the grandchildren. Two – because the church was well prepared and we had an amazing week. I worked with Rev. Chris Tiger years ago when he was in Altus, OK. He is an amazing pastor. He has been in Owasso for over 13 years, and God has used him to build a powerful community of faith. They have a heart for worship, outreach, and missions. They are reaching into their community and meeting the needs of those who are in need. They have a tremendous ministry to children and one of the most exciting kid-friendly spaces I’ve ever seen in a local church. Chris has put together a very effective team that works well together.
We had great participation each night. The folks came out in force and brought friends and neighbors with them.

I so enjoyed watching the congregation enjoy the stories.

When the stories were over, many found their way to the communion rail.

BibleQuest was so much fun. This church has one of the most effective children’s programs I’ve ever seen. They are making it their priority to reach kids for God and they are putting their money where their mouth is.

Felicia and I were blessed to have the privilege of working with Chris and his staff. I look forward to hearing all that God is going to do in this great church in the future.