This little church is hoppin’! Kyle Brock has such a wonderful pastor’s heart. He loves this congregation and they are crazy about him. Felicia and I were welcomed with open arms and were surrounded by Christian love. One of the things that was obvious about the folks in this church was that they really like one another! Each night there was a time of fellowship before the services and they so enjoyed spending time together, talking and laughing and loving one another. So cool. They loved to worship, too. They filled that little church up every night with worshippers. It was a delight.

We had one of the most unusual BibleQuests we’ve ever had. The adults wanted to take part. Yep. They came early and sat in on the sessions, took a BibleQuest book home and worked on memory verses. They even got up and quoted verses they’d learned. It was so much fun
Here are the BibleQuest medal winners. Did you notice the world’s first adult medal winner! Competition was hot, but she won!
Felicia and I thank God for the time we shared with these believers.
We will not soon forget our time in this little town, just north of Lubbock, TX, where God’s love lives.