Felicia and I had a wonderful time in St. John’s UMC in Stamford. My last time there was over 20 years ago. Rev. John Erwin has done a remarkable job of ministry here. In a community that has been in dramatic decline for decades, this church has grown and offered significant ministry. God is using these wonderful people to change lives.
We had great crowds and enthusiastic worship in each service. This beautiful sanctuary was once the chapel of McMurry College when it was located in Stamford.
We had a wonderful experience in worship each night.
I had the priviledge of speaking in the school system. Great receptive audience!
We saw lots of people seeking a closer walk with God. The prayer response was wonderful.
We had a great time with the boys and girls in BibleQuest. They loved it!
The program went great. The congregations are always amazed at what the children learn in just a few days.
Check out this Wednesday night crowd. They loved watching the boys and girls.
Here are the proud BibleQuest medal winners.
Pray for the continued ministry of this community of faith. There are many needs in Stamford, but God is able! It was a privilege for Felicia and me to be a part of this church for these days of renewal.