Rev. Gary Boles is a great friend. I’ve worked with him in churches he has pastored and at Ceta Canyon Elementary One-Way Camp. He is a dreamer and loves to dream big. The sanctuary in Littlefield was really not conducive for contemporary worship. The church got busy and built a wonderful space that has been drawing in new people from the community. They have a great band that doesn’t entertain, but actually worships! It was fun to see them work.
Felicia and I enjoyed worshipping with this wonderful community of faith.
The stories were a big hit! Many of the boys and girls I have worked with across the years are now adults in churches like this one. It was fun to see them serving Christ.
Felicia does such a great job with the boys and girls in BibleQuest.
They love the song, "Down, Down Deep".
One of the incredible things about this week was the number of children who came to the communion rail to pray. They covered it up! I was amazed.
The kids did a great job in the closing program.
We defeat the devil with the Sword of the Spirit. "IT IS WRITTEN!"
Here are our BibleQuest medal winners. They were very excited to win!
This one got a medal and a high five from the pastor!
Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make this week a grand success! I thank God for churches like FUMC Littlefield, TX, and their continued love for Christ that shines in their worship and service.