Here is a web site that originated with a letter that has been sent to all active United Methodist bishops, signed by 59 pastors of large and strategic churches. More than 40 of the pastors are from churches among the largest 100 United Methodist congregations in the U.S., including seven churches of over 5,000 members each. The Revs. Tom Harrison, Charles Kyker, Ed Robb III, Ken Werlein, and Steve Wood spearheaded the communication to the United Methodist bishops.
The letter was written to communicate a deep concern regarding more than 900 ministerial colleagues who have pledged to perform same-sex weddings, despite the church’s prohibition against such ceremonies. This widespread ecclesiastical disobedience threatens to tear apart the covenant which holds The United Methodist Church together. It is also a direct challenge to the clear teaching of Scripture.
United Methodist clergypersons are invited to add your names to the 59 original signers. United Methodist laypersons are invited to register your agreement by signing the accompanying laity statement. I encourage you to email your friends and colleagues, inviting them to sign. For those who do not have email, printed signatures are welcome as well. Mail them to:
Bishops Letter
The Woodlands United Methodist Church
2200 Lake Woodlands Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77380
At the top of this web site is a “signature form” that may be downloaded and printed for sharing in Sunday school classes, Bible studies, and churches. You may also download and printout the full texts of the clergy letter and laity statement.
This is an important document I hope you will read and sign. My prayer is that when the Bishops meet in later this month, they will respond prayerfully to these concerns.